£7975 £1595 |
Complete Ecommerce Website |
2 Design Concepts |
1 Year Domain Name |
20 Stock Photos |
Unlimited Categories |
Unlimited Products |
Easy Product Search |
Products Reviews |
Discount Coupons |
Customers' Registration |
Wish List |
Merchant Integration |
Multiple Sales, Inventory & Product Reports |
Content Management System |
W3C Certified HTML |
Logo Design |
5 Logo Design Concepts |
Copyrights of the Logo |
Stationery Design |
Letterhead |
Envelop |
Business Card |
Social Media Pages |
Facebook Page Design |
Twitter Theme Page |
YouTube Page Design |
Search Engine Submissions |
Google, Yahoo & Bing |

Ecommerce Package
E-Commerce package is specially designed for entrepreneurs who are interested in starting an online business. The most important element in designing a B2B or B2C website is that your customers can easily find their desired information. With our E-Commerce package you are assured of easily navigable and attractive website that suits your online business requirements.
For just £1595, you can get a comprehensive and customized e-commerce website which is in line with your business philosophy, payment mechanism and navigation. You will also get 3 custom logo design concepts. We will not only provide logo designs but also protect your brand identity from duplication by providing FREE copyright protection in the form of a sealed certificate from International Copyrights Protection Bureau for Brands (ICPBB) as part our exclusive affiliation with them. You will also receive a complete business stationery design, a content management system, a landing page, social media page designs and search engine submission. This is a complete package to get you started with your online business right away!
How Will This Benefit Your Business? |
Your small sized lemonade business this year earning small profits. |
You employed Logo Design Pros to get a unique brand identity for your lemonade business. |
As soon as you established your new brand identity, a miracle happened. |
Your business constantly witnessed sky rocketing sales & profits. |
Your medium sized lemonade processing factory earning super high revenues next year. |
Choose us because...